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School Fee



Summer: 08:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon

Winter: 09:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m.

    1. Every subsequent child is to be charged Rs. 250/- less in monthly tuition fee only.
    2. Fee should be paid bimonthly by 10th of the month except for April & January to March.
    3. Parents are requested to strictly adhere to the above timings and schedule given in the school calendar.
    4. If the parents are willing to deposit the dues in lump sum for the whole academic session, they are entitled 5% discount on tuition fee only.
    5. All Payments are to be made through cross cheque or debit/credit card. The school does not send out bills/reminders for the dues, therefore, parents are requested to make all payments on time to avoid fine for late payment.
    6. No deduction of fee will be made on account of any holiday or temporary absence for any reason what so ever.
    7. Receipt issued by the school should be kept in safe custody for the year and produced if and when required
    8. Fee will have to be paid as long as the name of the child is on school rolls.
    9. No refund of caution money is made during summer vacation and other holidays.
    10. School dues once deposited are not refundable.
    11. Fee should be paid bimonthly by the 10th of month as given below and after this, fee
      will be taken for the month with payment of late fee @ Rs. 2/- per day.
S.No.Month(s)To be deposited in
  1. If the fee is not paid by the last day of the month in which it is due the name of the defaulting student will be struck off and he/ she will have to seek re-admission after the payment of re-admission fee, (if re-admission is allowed) of Rs. 100.00 plus all dues for the period of absence plus the usual late fee occurring thereof.
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